
name type description
compaction.redzone int To create a new redzone, write a percent value into compaction namespace.
compaction.redzone.mode int Set compaction mode. Mode 1: branch-less mode (strict 2-level storage), 2: checkpoint, 3: branch + compaction (default).
compaction.redzone.compact_wm int Compaction operation starts when a number of node branches reaches this watermark. Cant be less than two.
compaction.redzone.compact_mode int Set read-intensive or write-intensive compaction strategy mode. 0 - by number of branches, 1 - by temperature.
compaction.redzone.branch_prio int Priority of branch operation. Priority is measured by a maximum number of executing workers.
compaction.redzone.branch_wm int Branch operation starts when a size of in-memory key index reaches this watermark value. Measured in bytes.
compaction.redzone.branch_age int Branch operation automatically starts when it detects that a node in-memory key index has not been updated in a branch_age number of seconds.
compaction.redzone.branch_age_period int Scheduler starts scanning for aged node in-memory index every branch_age_period seconds.
compaction.redzone.branch_age_wm int This watermark value defines lower bound of in-memory index key size which is being checked during branch_age operation. Measured in bytes.
compaction.redzone.anticache_period int Check for anti-cache node election every anticache_period seconds.
compaction.redzone.backup_prio int Priority of backup operation. Priority is measured by a maximum number of executing workers.
compaction.redzone.gc_wm int Garbage collection starts when watermark value reaches a certain percent of duplicates. When this value reaches a compaction, operation is scheduled.
compaction.redzone.gc_db_prio int Priority of a database async close/drop operation.
compaction.redzone.gc_prio int Priority of gc operation. Priority is measured by a maximum number of executing workers.
compaction.redzone.gc_period int Check for a gc every gc_period seconds.
compaction.redzone.lru_prio int Priority of LRU operation. Priority is measured by a maximum number of executing workers.
compaction.redzone.lru_period int Run LRU scheduler every lru_period seconds.
compaction.redzone.async int Asynchronous thread work mode: 1 - reserve thread, 2 - do not reserve thread.